Our Services

How can we help you?

  1. The Vasarik Diagnostic Approach

    The Vasarik Diagnostic Approach

    Our long experience of working with art and the art market has led us to develop the Vasarik Diagnostic Approach, a 7-step approach to examining, authenticating, and attributing paintings.
  2. The Case Review

    We begin with a close evaluation of the questions surrounding the artwork, including a critical review of any preexisting documentation, findings, and opinions. Our experts will extract the key evidence and arguments, looking at the strengths and weaknesses of any case to be evaluated. From this assessment, we will make recommendations, agreeing on the scope of work.

  3. Examination and documentation

    Physical examination of the artwork and detailed documentation of the structure brings core understanding and key evidence that we need to work with later. We use technical imaging (such as with infrared and X-radiography), and also look at the condition of the painting, to establish a clear understanding.

  4. Materials Analysis

    We take a problem-focussed approach to materials analysis, which means that we select the best analytical tools to solve a particular problem rather than using those that just happen to be at hand. To support this, we have access to a very wide range of up-to-date instruments, from electron microscopes and gas chromatographs through to radiocarbon dating and beyond. Even if it isn’t in our usual toolbox, we can usually find it.

  5. Dating

    Determining when and where an artwork was created often resolves problems around authenticity, while laying the foundation for making an attribution. We perform high accuracy dating of artworks based on their material structure and composition, algorithmically combining analytical findings with contextualising information drawn from our unique database of art historical knowledge.

  6. The Artist Matrix

    Attribution questions require a clear understanding of possible authorship. Rather than taking a name and then trying to show whether or not the evidence matches up, we build what we call the Artist Matrix. Using information such as the likely date of origin and art historical style, our team will establish an authoritative group of candidate artists to work with.

  7. Artificial Intelligence.

    We are now offering Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an option. Using the Artist Matrix, we build and train specialised deep learning models (neural networks) which create stylistic comparisons between different artists. This enables us to classify artworks like yours. Our AI models are unique, in that we classify across all artists of interest using multiple neural networks, rather like a group of art experts coming robustly to a joint decision.

  8. Synthesis.

    In the last step we put all this together. No one piece of data or any single argument is likely to answer your question alone. Therefore, we have developed a new approach that recognises that art is complicated, balancing the various findings in an impartial and objective manner through the use of sophisticated decision-making techniques that reflect the strength of each piece of evidence so that conclusions are always well supported.

We're evolving our consultancy in to something bigger!

Artwork consultancy is what we do best, and we want to make it available to even more people. That's why we're evolving what we do in to a platform that is available for art professionals worldwide to make the most of.

Core analytical services

Founded on our exceptional knowledge of technical imaging and materials analysis of fine art, we prepare comprehensive expert scientific reports on your paintings using the most advanced approaches.

Transaction Risk

When buying and selling art, reduce your risk by using our independent and objective assessment services to help you decide whether to buy – or not.

Artwork authenticity

Art due diligence today requires reliable assessments of authenticity. We are leading providers of investigations into whether an artwork is what it purports to be, looking deeper to find the truth.

Artwork authorship

Determining who created an artwork is essential to both cultural history and the art market. We specialise in studies that place paintings in their historical context to identify the artist and resolve uncertainty.

Contested Artworks

Our long experience acting as the expert witness in legal cases will elevate your position in any dispute over art authenticity, from arbitration and pre-trial advice through to taking the stand.


Having the right documentation on your artwork, whether you are preparing it for sale, approaching an authority, or seeking finance, is vital. We review what you have, organise it, and fill in any critical gaps while guiding you through the process.


Testimonial 01

Dr Eastaugh has become the person I call first for incisive, authoritative and balanced technical analysis. He not only has excellent scientific knowledge, but a deep understanding of art history too, and will always keep looking for answers. He has an impressive ability to communicate his findings to both lay and expert audiences, and knows that resolving questions of authenticity and authorship doesn’t just lie in the data, but in the way you use it to build a wider argument too.

Testimonial 01

I’ve known Nicholas for a long time, so it was exciting to hear about Vasarik and the new team. I enjoyed working with Nicholas some years ago at Art Analysis, when I was fascinated by the projects he was working on and the groundbreaking approaches he was developing. I’m thrilled that he is now setting up a new business that not only helps individual clients but will also share his knowledge and skills far more widely through the latest technology.

Our aim is to enhance trust, and reduce fraud when buying and insuring artwork.

Extensive academic research on the art market has shown that few traded artworks receive examination capable of determining authenticity and authorship. We aim to correct that.